Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Charity... • noun (pl. charities) 1 an organisation set up to help those in need. 2 the voluntary giving of money or other help to those in need. 3 help or money given in this way. 4 tolerance in judging others...definition courtesy of

An emotive subject covering a huge spectrum.

Those that immediately come to mind, however, are charities for animals, famine and disaster stricken people, children at risk/in need, diseases such as cancer, help for elderly folk etc...

While watching TV you can't fail to notice the huge increase in advertisements to make us aware of the plight and need for these groups.

It's not just the TV either, other media such as e-mail, mailshots etc. are increasingly used to attract our attention to these organisations and thier requests for monetary aid.

Now, I'm all for giving as much as you can to these groups, but what if you can't afford it?

We still have a conscience and an urge to do something...

I've found my way :)

I'm a single parent and although my desire is to give as much as I can, and I do when I can afford too, at least I have a 'voice' on here and can share freely my views and concerns about a huge variety of subjects, not just the needy but anything I feel strongly about.

The freedom sites like this give us should be used wisely for such purposes as well as for our own personal 'outlet' :)

And, hopefully, a message can be given to others who read our words, and if a small seed of change is sown in someone's mind who happens upon our 'rants' that is our legacy for the things we hold dear :)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Situations Vacant.

Due to the vacancy recently created by the now ex-BF, I am posting the following :)


Job Title: Boyfriend (or BF as you'll be known, if successful:)

Suitable applicants are invited to apply for the above mentioned vacancy. This vacancy has arisen due to a certain lady requiring attention from guys who DO NOT fall into the following categories: Typical Valleys males; Arrogant bastards; Users, abusers and liars; Guys wanting free sex (there is no such thing, so wake-up and accept the fact that if you are lucky enough to find a female who's willing to meet you half-way on this, be grateful, not greedy!); Guys strictly wanting to view me from afar (yes, I mean you pervy lot who just want to look at me naked, either on webcam or by requesting dirty pics of me...You know where the newsagents/video store is...Go pay for it like everyone else!).

Hours: Initially, working hours will be restricted mostly to the weekends, but will occassionally require working 24/7 ( the working week regulations DO NOT cover the hours required for this position) for the purpose of holidays ect...

Holidays: As long as you take the GF.

Location: Where and when required.

Reporting To: Girlfriend:) (GF)

Job Specification: The most important aspect of this particular vacancy is to, at all times, treat your GF with the love, attention and loyalty expected and deserved. This will, obviously, be returned as your GF knows how to treat her man:) The prospects for the right person are unlimited. This new and exciting role will continue to grow with the successful candidate.

Person Specification: You must have at least some of the same interests as the GF but applicants are most welcomed from candidates with a diverse range of interests/activities.

Essential Requirements: Great sense of humour; Inteligence; Clean; Fit; High sex drive; Sense of adventure; Spontanaety; Straight talking; Honest; Reliable.

As a high number of applications are anticipated for this vacancy, only shortlisted candidates will be notified of any further interest by the GF. Therefore, if you do not hear anything by the end of September, please accept the GF's thanks for your interest, but assume that you have not been successful on this occasion. Your application will be held on file in view of any future vacancies, of which you will be informed.

To Apply: Send full CV, photo, brief description and covering letter to

Previous applicants need not apply;)

Another One Bites the Dust...

Another one bites the

What is it with me and guys these days, eh???

5 weeks this one lasted before we had a silly agument last Monday evening!!!

And what was his re-action???

Same as the rest!!!

Can't stand the pace, don't play with the grown-ups then ;)

Ah well, plenty more fish as they say...pmsl...

Think I'm going to have to re-think what type of guy I actually want, and if I really do want one.

My 'talent' for attracting the 'wrong' type has been on overtime this last year especially.

They either live too far away, are based too far away, only want something casual, or too serious, are married to thier jobs, or don't have a job, are users, head-up-thier-own-ass-pricks(think you get the message)

Some are a combination of the afore -mentioned which is disastrous before it starts :(


Somewhere out there are guys that fit the spec.

Don't know where yet though ;)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Freedom of Speech???

Freedom of speech...


Seems to me that ordinary people are unable to say what they want to say these days even if what they are saying, the events, person/persons named and the feelings that those actions triggered are all entirely true!!!

I'm reffering to a recent post dated 10th August in which I record a traumatic event from December 13th, 2004.

Everything contained within that entry is as it happened.

Unfortunately, this morning I recieved a solicitor's letter telling me the person who is named as my attacker has made a complaint regarding the entry.

Now, for various reasons which I won't delve into at the moment, the Police never followed-up my complaint of being attacked with a pair of scissors which resulted in a substantial amount of my hair being cut off (very distressing for someone like myself who has waist length hair), even though they had two whitness statements detailing the attack.

The matter is now the subject of an official complaint against South Wales Police.
So, for now, against my principals, I have removed the person's name from the entry.

I'm not happy doing this as I see it as a heavy handed way to stop me telling the truth about a serious assault and the way it has affected me personally.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered...

60 years after the fact 2 cities are still living with the horrendous effects of the first and last unleashing of Atomic Weapons on Humanity.

On August 6th, 1945 an American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, dropped an 8,900 pound nuclear device dubbed 'little boy' by it's makers on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The 15 kiloton explosion levelled almost 90% of the city and killed an estimated 130,000 civilians.

Then, 3 days later on August 9th, Another B-29 bomber, Bockscar, dropped a larger device, code-named 'fat man' on the city of Nagasaki. The resulting 22 kiloton explosion killed an estimated 75,000 people and destroyed one third of the city.

The destruction was less severe than that of the Hiroshima bomb only because of the natural geographical features of the area.

By 1950, another 230,000 Japanese had died of related injuries, taking the toll close to half a million souls.

The people who made this possible, the scientists, and also those who made the decisions to commit these acts of aggression to force an un-conditional surrender of the Japanese people on August 14th, 1945 are long gone, but their legacy is still being suffered 60 years on in both these cities and surrounding areas.

The bombs used are small by today's standards but the devastation they caused continues still.

Hopefully, the horrifying glimpse they gave into the devastating effects of atomic weapons will serve as a permanent lesson and deterrent from using the like ever again.

I'll close this entry with the words of one of the scientists responsible ... "in some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."–J. Robert Oppenheimer

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

***** *****, You Sick, Sad Bitch...

One of the worst possible things you could ever do to spite a woman!
Cut her hair!!!
What sort of sick, sad bastard does that???
I'll tell you...
A person so eaten up with thier own badness that they have to hurt someone else in an horrendous way...
Disfigure, harm, emmotionally distress them to supposedly make thier own self feel more worthy...
But does it?
Does it fuck!!!
All it does is hurt someone so bad that they cant even look in the mirror, can't even wash thier hair without being constantly reminded of what that sick, stupid, jealous bastard did... :(
And what is she doing now? And where is she? Who cares!!!
I know she'll rot in hell for what she did to me :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lust of my Life, Number 2 :)


Hehe... ;)

'Spose a lot of us girls like the bad boys and, lets face it, he's one of the sexiest, badest guys there is :)

I wouldn't kick him out of bed...pmsl...

Never really started listening to his music until quite recently and, although I really do like some of it, I'm not overly fond of most.

On the other hand, his movie, 8 mile, was so good that I bought the DVD!!!

I'm not sure what it is with me and blondes at the moment but, hey, they say they have more fun and all that...;)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ummm...Dish-mop Anyone?


Well, I got one :)

But it isn't a dish-mop, it's a dish-brush!

And where did I get it? Asda :)

Thanks Asda :)

And it only cost 19 pence!!!


I'm me, take me or leave me!

I smoke WAY too much, I drink, I take certain recreational substances...

I live life, enjoy, experience and go out there looking for the thrills!!!


'Cos I've seen hell...

My own personal one, that is...

We all got one lurking in there somewhere, deep down in our very soul.

Some of us are lucky and have a certain something which allows us to see this side of our being.

I'm not sure how I can, but I'm pretty certain it has a lot to do with what life has thrown my way, both the good and the bad stuff.

I'm not complaining, I'm celebrating my insight and the valuable lessons learned about life and all it has to offer.

But, as I write this, I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness and sorrow for those less fortunate, those who don't or refuse to 'live'.

Those mean souls who only criticise, bitch, gossip and destroy. They can't or wont try out life, only sit there with thier narrow view and blinded by thier own selfishness, eaten up with jealousy and other negative and destructive emmotions.

What do I say to them?

Wake up! See life! Experience it, not waste your time consumed by yourself and your negative side!

There are so many people who would love to see and do what you can but can't for reasons such as disability, illness etc...

Don't waste it!

Enjoy it!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Niger Famine!!!

Pictures courtesy of BBC...


Again the world is watching as a nation starves!!!

150,000 children on the brink of death by starvation!!!...

A further 650,000 severly mal-nourished!!!

Niger, a whole famine-torn country of some 12 million souls!!!


That's what I'm saying. I'm sorry if I offend, but the time is past for niceties! They haven't worked anyway :(

I'm sickened that for more than 8 months aid agencies have been begging the rich nations for food for these people!!!

8 months!!!

C'mon, feed them. It's not hard.

We have more than enough.

We have obscene amounts of food wastage in our fat nations.

Just give it to them.

It's a drop in the world's ocean of wealth and would say so much about us as a truly global community if we put a stop to this NOW!!!

Whoever you are and whatever you do, please don't let them starve:(

I'm not rich or can give much in monetry value but I can scream this from and at wherever and whoever!!!

Do something, don't let this happen!

Donations can be made by ringing 0870 60 60 900 or visit or from Tuesday donations can be made at any post office or bank.

Someone buy me a dish-mop please...

Spring cleaning...


Why, when I do this every year do I ALWAYS, without fail, throw away something that you can bet your ass I'll need in a few days/weeks/months after the event???

One such item has been in need for a good few months...

What is it?

A bloody dish mop!!!


As the months since I threw my last one out have gone by and I've spent countless times at my kitchen sink trying to get sticky messes out of the bottom of glasses, I've secretly and not so secretly wondered why I threw the bloody thing out?

And also, for the same number of times kept wondering why I don't just get a new one!!!

Is one of those items though, that unless it actually stares you in the face or jumps off the shelf at you, your mind refuses to remember you need one...